Saturday, March 14, 2015

Have you heard of Enos?

   Do you know who Enos is? If you are not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, you probably do not. Enos was a prophet from the Book of Mormon, he was also the son of Jacob, who was also a prophet.This story takes place about 420BC in the Americas.
   I'll tell you a cool story about Jacob.(And this story is found in the book of Enos in the Book of Mormon., btw) Enos was taught by his father Jacob about the Lord, but, as you know, nobody but the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is perfect. Jacob felt guilty about the sins he had committed in his life.
   One day, Enos went hunting for food, and while out in the wilderness, began to think about all of the things his father Jacob had taught him about eternal life and returning to live with God. Enos felt like he had to pray for forgiveness. he prayed all day long. He cried unto the Lord, and even when nightfall came, he continued to pray and raised his voice to the heavens. After a while, a voice said to him, "Enos, thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed." Enos knew that God could not lie and felt that his sins had been forgiven him, but he still wondered, and asked, "Lord, how is it done?" And the Lord said, " Because of thy faith in Christ, whom thou hast never before heard or seen. And many years shall pass away before he shall manifest himself in the flesh; wherefore, go to, thy faith had made thee whole."
   How awesome would that experience be? His is sins were forgiven because of his faith in Christ. I know that this really happened, not because some person told me it happened, but because I have asked Heavenly Father if it happened. I have received an answer through the still small voice of the Holy Ghost. You can know to. Go ahead and ask Him. He'll let you know as long as you ask with faith with a sincere desire to know.

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